Did you know that interning for a company could give you all of the workplace and technical experience that you need and more? Next summer, internships are exactly what PrepareRI seeks to offer to get countless students ready for their future work environments.

The thing that most of us start to think about more during and after high school is getting a solid job and finding our foundations to make a living. I’m sure that to get that dough, you would want to or are already planning to get early jobs so that you have experience and can climb up that ladder of wealth. But did you know that interning for a company could give you all of the workplace and technical experience that you need and more? Next summer, internships are exactly what PrepareRI seeks to offer to get countless students ready for their future work environments. For Juniors in high school, PrepareRI’s 2024 summer internships are exactly what students need for the future, and can help you to forge skills and connections with others. By applying on PrepareRI’s website, you have the chance to get matched with an employer for an easy summer job that does not interfere with school. You’ll gain experience in professional workplace environments, collaborate with mentors, and even make over $4,000! You’ll even have more experiences to put on your resume in the future, and through working in a specific career of your choice, you can determine exactly who you want to be in your career and learn new things about your skills.
But how will you apply, you ask? What workplace environment will you be placed in? How long is the process? Well, other than obviously inserting your name, contact information, and all that background stuff, you must complete several tasks that include answering questions about yourself, choosing career clusters that you are interested in pursuing, and building a resume, just to name a few. These are all on the application, which is due by January 12 of next year. If you are chosen to receive a position, you will later be interviewed in school in February, and you will later be matched to your final employer based on the career clusters you chose. Most exciting of all, you will attend a week-long “boot camp” to get yourself prepared for the program, and you will find work at a large employer somewhere in RI throughout July and August!
It is a great idea to consider this internship opportunity because it will help you explore the true environment of adult work as well as certain careers that you would like to practice or learn more about. More convincing is that many students who were interviewed at CHS had lots of positive and enthusiastic things to say about PrepareRI’s program. Junior CJ Vilamento expressed optimism towards the program’s offering of career clusters that catered to what he was interested in. “I want to go towards some type of service or design kind of thing,” he replied, “I think my strongest career cluster is Architecture and Construction.” CJ believes that through internships’ emphasis on experiential learning, he will be able to climb up the social ladder and embolden his qualities in work. “I’m interested in stocks, and I want to intern so that I can get experience in how to apply stocks to everyday life, such as housing,” CJ remarked; he was referring to how companies employing interns could give large pay while still teaching them about essential business processes. In the end, CJ’s one approach to applying for the job was: “I’m going to approach my new job with positivity. This will teach me a great work ethic.”
The idea of career clusters that PrepareRI offers students to choose from in the application process has been welcomed by students looking to intern or have already done so. Senior Hayk Sarian, who went through the PrepareRI program last year, hints to Juniors looking to intern that although they might not always get the choice of a job they want, there are plenty of companies in Rhode Island that can help students come to be interested and love other career paths. “I went with a computer science career cluster as my first choice, but I ended up getting placed with some weird robotics company in Cranston,” Hayk recalled. He ran out of job positions that he could get for his first choice, which was related to computer science, and was placed in an engineering internship. However, Hayk believed that his ultimate takeaway from his internship was that he learned that he was capable of a job he never thought of doing before. “The internship helped teach me job flexibility and new career experiences,” he noted.
Junior Matthew Butler, who somewhat expressed interest in applying for PrepareRI, praised the offerings of the career clusters as well. “I really like how it gives you the choice between different careers you want to do so that you can get a good idea of what you exactly want to do in the future,” Matthew replied enthusiastically. Many of the features of the application steps appealed to him because he thought the step-by-step process was very constructive and helped to reveal potential interns’ true work ethic and career aspirations. Matthew also praised the potential companies that he could get interned at as well: “For a job for myself, I would say business and finance. I think that Bank of America is the perfect and most convenient place to have opportunity.”
However, many Juniors looking at the internship opportunities and applications were stressed about the resume part, as many had never had a job or created a resume before. “Problem is, I never started my resume,” CJ Vilamento stressed, “but the internship would be a good thing to PUT on my resume!”
The bottom line is that to be ready for an internship or job experience in the near future, whether it be for PrepareRI or anyone else, you must be prepared, alert, and assertive. Talk to the people and friends you know who have experienced interning and ask for help in applying and interviewing. Be sure to do your research to ensure you are pursuing a job that will be lifelong and that you will be passionate about. And remember, visit PrepareRI’s website for more information about the application process for the 2024 summer internships. You will soon realize that you are on a speedy path to a bright future!
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