Most students who attended the dance seemed to have a great time. Alaina Furtado said, “The decorations were really cool and I had a fun time!”

An Evening Around the World: 2016 Homecoming Dance
By Autumn Messier
The Homecoming Dance this year went along with the theme of countries. The dance was entitled “An Evening Around The World” and celebrated the different nations of the world. Each table was decorated to fit a different country’s individuality. The different table’s included countries such as, Italy, Spain, Japan, Ireland, and more.
The students arrived at the dance around 6:30pm and were able to stay until 10:30. Abby Medeiros said that she thought the dance had “tasteful music and a nice setup for pictures.”
Overall, the Student Council did a great job with the homecoming dance. The cost of each ticket was $25 which included food, seating, and a night of fun.
The homecoming parade has been postponed to a later date due to the rain.
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