Scholarships are very important, especially if you don’t have much money to go to college. In general colleges are very expensive and can range from $30,000-$110,000 for 4 year colleges. However, to have the best chance at a scholarship, you should not only have high grades but also be involved in school. Additionally, putting in the work to know the options is important.
The guidance department lists many scholarships on the senior bulletin board and they will increase the listing as the year progresses. The senior bulletin board is often shared via Google classroom or the monthly newsletter Mrs. Macumber puts out.
Most students with a GPA score of 3.0 or higher will have a higher chance of getting a larger scholarship, but most scholarships require other criteria such as involvement in clubs, volunteer experience or financial needs. Most know that there are sport scholarships for students who are heavily involved in athletics.
It is challenging to earn a scholarship, as only 1 out of 8 college students win a scholarship. Not to mention that 97% of students with scholarships win around $2,700 and 0.1% winning $25,000 each year.
Of particular interest to juniors should be internships at Prep RI,which is a summer program where one could go into a job field that is in their top three and spend 6-7 weeks to earn around $4600 in scholarships.
While most high schoolers might want to go to college, it’s also important to have another option if we can’t go to college, like getting a job to pay for school ourselves. It’s best to be financially stable then to be thousands of dollars in debt.
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