In actuality, less than 10% of people complete their goals for the new year. Don’t be discouraged by this, but rather motivated- only you have the power to make this year what you want it to be. There's no set timeline, no due date, and no such thing as ‘failing’. Not sure where to begin? Here's a few tips to make this year purposeful, fun, and overall, memorable.

Every time the new year comes around, we start thinking about our new year’s resolutions; being more organized, getting a better job, making new friends. While these goals are positive, having a great year takes more than just a few lifestyle adjustments because it’s about your mindset. In actuality, less than 10% of people complete their goals for the new year. Don’t be discouraged by this, but rather motivated- only you have the power to make this year what you want it to be. There’s no set timeline, no due date, and no such thing as ‘failing’. Not sure where to begin? Here’s a few tips to make this year purposeful, fun, and overall, memorable.
Start Fresh
When it’s the beginning of anything new, it’s time to start fresh. Clean out your space and your mind of any clutter you’ve been holding onto from last year- regrets, bad habits, disappointments, etc. There’s no sense in holding on to negative things that are in the past, and the only way to go is forward. I always start the new year by deep cleaning my room, and getting rid of any unnecessary things I don’t really need. This is an even more important step if you hate cleaning; just man up and do it already, for your own sake! Cleaning up your space translates to your mind and already makes you feel ready to start the year off.
Be Social
This is arguably the biggest factor to having a good year. Hanging out with friends and family, or making new friends is a great way to spend time, obviously. Instead of doing the activities you always do, try new things when going out with people- have a picnic, go ice skating, play a new sport, or host a game night. I always use Pinterest for inspiration because it usually has great ideas for hangouts and date nights, finding recipes and fun crafts. Everything’s better with friends, and you don’t even need money to have fun if you’re creative. It’s also healthier for you to talk to people rather than doom scrolling, so, y’know, that’s a plus too.
New Year, New Music
Discovering new artists and new music can help you set the mood for the new year. Websites like Music Map allow you to find music similar to what you already listen to which makes finding new songs much easier. To find new artists I just go through the artists I like on Spotify, and go to the ‘fans also like’ section and listen to other new music. Personally, when the new year comes around I want to refresh every aspect of my life, and music is important to me because I listen to it so often. There’s nothing like the feeling of discovering an amazing song for the first time and keeping it on repeat for the whole week, so begin 2025 finding your new sound.
Your health will always be important, so it’s time to make it a priority. It looks different for everyone; for you it could be going to the gym, starting pilates, or even just trying to maintain a healthy diet. While health goals- or really any goals -can many times be difficult, start with small steps instead of setting one big goal. Forming a more complex habit takes longer to develop, and can take weeks or months to establish, according to researchers. Creating a schedule for whatever your goal is at specific times every week helps make it easier, and using cues like alarms on your phone can trigger your brain to remember your goal. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t come easy the first few tries; it literally doesn’t for anyone! When I first started going to the gym, it was a struggle to get through every machine. Now, I look forward to going and actually miss it when I don’t. Start out the year by taking time to focus on yourself for a change.
No Negativity
It’s a new year: there’s no sense in bringing last year’s negativity into it. It can come in many forms, but whether it be toxic friends, feelings about your job or a person, or even your mindset, it’s time to restart. You can’t be a new person if you don’t let go of the bad in your life first. This also ties into starting fresh as well as health because this deals with your mental health, which lets be honest, is drained by negativity. I find that I can at times be a pessimist or complain way too often, and one of my goals this year is trying to find the bright side of things. It’s never an instant switch or easy fix but it’s a crucial step in making this year truly your year.
Live in the momentI’ve been thinking about this a lot, and the truth is life is too short to not live in the moment. As much as everyone hates school, it gives you a lot of memories you’ll remember for the rest of your life. I don’t particularly love going to my job each week, but the experiences from it have changed my personality and my world view, in a sense. Whether they are good or bad or mundane (as they usually are), take a minute to acknowledge your memories and the little things in life, and actually appreciate them before they’re gone. As Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it,”. Pretty solid advice
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