Are you planning on attending college after graduation? Do you wish there was a way to make the cost a little more bearable? Do you just want to challenge yourself? Well here is a great opportunity for students just like you: the Advanced Course Network. This program allows students across Rhode Island to earn post-secondary credentials before they graduate high school, free of charge. There are many ways students can participate in the Advanced Course Network, but in order to earn college credit, they must enroll in either dual or concurrent enrollment classes.

Do You Know about the Advanced Course Network??
Are you planning on attending college after graduation? Do you wish there was a way to make the cost a little more bearable? Do you just want to challenge yourself? Well here is a great opportunity for students just like you: the Advanced Course Network. This program allows students across Rhode Island to earn post-secondary credentials before they graduate high school, free of charge. There are many ways students can participate in the Advanced Course Network, but in order to earn college credit, they must enroll in either dual or concurrent enrollment classes.
Concurrent enrollment means that a student takes a college class at their own high school, as in Advanced Placement courses. Here at Coventry High, we offer many AP classes in a variety of subjects. At the end of the year, students take a final exam offered by the College Board that can lead to college credits, depending on the college they go to if the student passes the exam.
Dual enrollment means that a student takes college courses in addition to the classes within their school. The Rhode Island Department of Education will pay for students to take up to two courses each semester at state universities. The classes a student can take through the ACN depend on which college they decide to enroll in, so see each state school’s website for more information about available programs.
The Advanced Course Network is an amazing opportunity for students to earn free college credit and experience. If a student were to enroll in two dual enrollment courses each semester beginning in their freshman year, they could have around fifty transferable college credits by the time they graduate high school, not even factoring in AP credit they could earn within their high schools. Great opportunities are opening up for students in Rhode Island, so make sure you’re a part of it.
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